
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Pukie the Van, in Middle Earth...

New Zealand: Wow, like...

The van has been bought, and named Pukie, after the impressive honk from her interior. That issue resolved, I've been hopping from the Tasman Sea to the Pacific Ocean and back again, on a surfing safari that produced no surf.

Shunned by the northern coasts, I am now heading south, via a brief sojourn in Wellington with an old friend from Cavan. The country so far has been impressive, although I'm told the best is yet to come...

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Distracted by Adelaide...

At the end of our little road trip we freewheeled down through the Adelaide hills for 5km; cheap van - broken petrol guage. Having availed of the Noone family's very generous hospitality for a week, I was ready to head for New Zealand. However, I under-estimated the persuasive power of Brigid Noone's intoxicated friends, and after a few drinks was being marched to the phone to postpone my flight.

While the next five days seem to blend together, I do know that they were possibly the funniest of my trip yet, as I was taken on a whirlwind tour of the long weekend by a crazy bunch of incredibly likeable people. The pictures tell a far better story than I'm going to be able to convey in a few lines, so have a look and let your imagination run.

As a result of that little snap decision, I've decided that spontaneity while inebriated is to be my new hobby, and that Adelaide rocks...

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